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Firefighters, paramedics and doctors fight to save the life of a  driver of a car that crashed into the side of an articulated lorry. Firefighters have lit the area with portable lighting so as an operation can be performed...© SHOUT. THIS PICTURE MUST ONLY BE USED TO ILLUSTRATE THE EMERGENCY SERVICES IN A POSITIVE MANNER. CONTACT JOHN CALLAN. Exact date
Firefighters, paramedics and doctors fight to save the life of a driver of a car that crashed into the side of an articulated lorry. Firefighters have lit the area with portable lighting so as an operation can be performed...© SHOUT. THIS PICTURE MUST ONLY BE USED TO ILLUSTRATE THE EMERGENCY SERVICES IN A POSITIVE MANNER. CONTACT JOHN CALLAN. Exact date

Filename: shs0902031e.jpg
Date: 29 Sep 2010
Size: 2848x4500 pixels / 9.7MB